The position of the head of the department is a managerial one, so it is assumed that the applicant has a lot of experience and he has something to tell about himself. This workplace is distinguished by a high level of authority and responsibility, increased salaries, so it is quite difficult to get a job. The executive's resume has its own characteristics.

Step 1
Before writing a resume to the head of the department, you should familiarize yourself with the general rules for the design and writing of this document. Find this information on the Internet. View samples of such documents, analyze them. Please note that in your resume, all sections will be of great interest to the employer: education, work experience and the skills that you possess.
Step 2
There is an axiom that a resume should fit on one, at most, two pages of typewritten text. But do not use all sorts of tricks like reducing the size of the fields and the font to fit the list of your merits in this size. For a managerial position, HR and enterprise managers are likely to be able to make an exception. It doesn't matter if your resume takes several sheets, if it is structured, it will be easy to perceive and read.
Step 3
Write about the education you received. Highlight the one that best matches the profile of the position you want to take. List all refresher courses, studies in economics schools, trainings that you attended.
Step 4
As with all resumes, on your resume for the department head position, list your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your last job. Reflect in the document only those points that directly relate to your activities in each specific enterprise. Indicate the terms in which you worked, the name of the company, the position held, the number of people in your subordination.
Step 5
List everything that was part of your responsibilities and briefly describe the results of your activities. Use quantitative assessments of your production results. If you are over 40 years old and have a lot of experience, you may not go into details about your first jobs, especially if they do not correspond to the profile in which you are currently working.
Step 6
You can not describe your business and human qualities in detail - it is clear to everyone that you will not write bad things about yourself. The best recommendation would be a description of your activities and a listing of your achievements. You can only mention the degree of proficiency in foreign languages. The ability to use a computer for a manager is a default requirement, so you don't even need to mention it.