To streamline the work of the department and determine the area of responsibility for each employee, you need to develop a job description for each workplace. This is a kind of department standard, for non-compliance with the requirements of which an employee can receive disciplinary action or even be fired. But the main purpose of writing job descriptions is to define for each the scope of his tasks and responsibilities.

Step 1
The design of this document must comply with GOST R 6.30-2003. It should reflect general provisions, list the functions performed by a specific employee at a specific workplace, the duties that he must perform in accordance with the position held. In the job description, it is also necessary to list the rights, stipulate his responsibility and determine the order of relationships with employees of other positions.
Step 2
In general terms, refer to the local regulations governing labor relations at your company, as well as the department regulations. These documents are the legal basis for writing job descriptions. Establish the field of activity of the employee and determine the procedure for his appointment to this position and replacement for it during illness or vacation. List the qualification requirements for the position.
Step 3
Think over the entire technology of the department's work, draw up a diagram and determine from it those responsibilities that should be performed by everyone. List in the job description for each workplace the functions that the employee must perform to ensure the smooth operation of the department.
Step 4
List for each the responsibilities that the position entails. The higher it is, the more qualifications should be required to perform these duties. List the specific tasks that a specialist should solve at this workplace. Sentences should start with the words: "provides", "controls", "participates", "supervises", etc.
Step 5
Determine the rights that the employee holding this position has, which will allow him to freely perform the duties and functions assigned to him. Establish the types of responsibility for the fact that the specialist could not use the granted rights, for failure to fulfill duties on time or improper fulfillment of them.
Step 6
Make a list of those officials with whom the specialist should interact on work and with whom he should maintain an official relationship. Determine the procedure and terms for the exchange of information, the procedure for document flow.