Having received an education and having begun to wear the proud title of "specialist", a person, as a rule, starts looking for work. There are several ways to find a job in your specialty. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Step 1
The first way is to contact the budgetary Employment Center. As a rule, in big cities there are several of them (one in each district). In addition, there are youth employment centers, as well as student ones. Almost every university has its own center that helps graduates find employment. By registering with one of these services, you will constantly receive information about new vacancies.
Step 2
There are many newspapers that provide information on job openings in various fields. You can not only buy a newspaper and consider the options that are offered in it, but also place your ad for a job search.
Step 3
If you have the opportunity to go online, then buying a newspaper is most likely not worth it. Most of the vacancies posted in print media are duplicated online. It is much easier to search for work on specialized sites, you can immediately set the search parameters you need: field of activity, experience, specialty, age, salary, etc. In addition, information on such sites is updated continuously, and the release of a new newspaper will have to wait. Each job site has a section "Resume", you can post there information about yourself, telling about your professional experience, and wait for calls from employers.
Step 4
If daily work on a given schedule is not to your liking, you can try looking for a freelance job and work from home (at a convenient time for you). There are enough sites on the Internet that have been created specifically to help remote professionals and customers find each other. In this case, your salary will be credited to you using electronic money or bank transfer - each has its own conditions. To avoid being cheated by agreeing to such work, ask the client for an advance payment.