The secretary organizes, distributes and ensures the activities of the head. First of all, it is an assistant in various organizational issues. Such work requires quick switching from one type of work to another.

The secretary has a lot of responsibilities, but they are united by a common goal: to provide the manager with maximum assistance in his work and save time. The secretary needs to work with documentation, telephone, fax, receive and distribute calls, communicate with visitors, organize meetings, meetings, business trips for management.
Duties of the secretary
Often in small organizations, the secretary is also entrusted with the functions of a clerk. These include maintaining and managing official papers, drafting documents, organizing traffic and activities with them, keeping records and storage.
If the volume is not too significant, this is the responsibility of the secretary. If the volumes are very large, the position of a clerk is introduced, which requires special education. The main activity of the secretary is working with office equipment and documents. Carefulness and accuracy are required.
Knowledge of foreign languages becomes the predominant point. When compiling a resume, it is mandatory to indicate the level of proficiency in them.
Education should not necessarily differ in specific specialization. However, an indispensable condition is its essence, associated with the ability to analyze data, finding an approach to people.

In personal qualities, it is not superfluous to mention composure, organization and sociability. The secretary is the face of the company. The position is quite responsible.
Responsibilities include distributing phone calls, meeting visitors. It is generally accepted to consider secretarial work as the initial stage of a career ladder. But for such a springboard, a fairly high level of education is required.
The secretary's appearance is the business card of the company Responsibilities may be limited solely to serving coffee and taking calls, but it is likely to expand into the form of drafting critical documents and organizing recreation for management and his family.
Therefore, it is important to indicate achievements in your resume. This is mandatory even if the previous place of work was a courier position. Achievement reporting gives the potential employer the understanding that the job seeker is good at taking stock of his or her work in the workplace and the skill of highlighting the key points of the experience.
Achievements are always indicative, as proactive and productive employees are of interest to any employer. It is best to indicate achievements with the help of specific figures or facts.

It is enough to mention a few key points, but really significant and important ones. This will allow you to highlight the main thing without overloading the section with a huge amount of information. When listing the main achievements, it should be emphasized what benefit or benefit the company received.
For example, by indicating success, you can end the sentence with a phrase that the implementation has reduced the costs of the firm by a certain number of percent. It is important to describe your achievements correctly. You should not turn your resume into a semblance of a job description. Even if this document is taken as a basis for describing the experience, it makes sense to carefully check all the wording.
Sometimes successes are described in the first person. This wording is slightly at odds with the general resume concept. Better to refrain from using them. More convenient and justified are the options "was implemented", "the strategy was implemented … which provided …" and so on.
You can refer to any of your most significant successes in the cover letter sent with your resume. After reading such a message, the employer or manager will certainly wish to familiarize themselves with the attached document.
Examples and recommendations
Their achievements can even be in routine work. Among them there are the most advantageous ones:
- successful passing of several checks;
- acceleration of document flow at the enterprise by the introduction and development of an electronic database together with the programming department;
- organization of a successful transition of a large company from version 7.7 "1C: Enterprise" to 8.3;
- increasing the efficiency of the planning department through the introduction of automation of calculations, which ensured a twofold reduction in the staff of economists.

It is important to describe what has actually been achieved. The success of the chief accountant should not be attributed if his responsibilities were not part of the functions performed. And in some cases, when changing the type of activity, it becomes necessary to bring victories closer to new tasks of career growth.
Professional achievements demonstrate the tasks and goals realized in the course of activities. They can be a consequence of the manifestation of the necessary set of qualities. For a leader, this means a lot.
So, among the successful options may appear:
- coordinating the work of the company's top managers;
- preparation of contracts, the necessary documentation for signing;
- receiving calls with their distribution;
- sending, receiving and registering correspondence;
- meeting and coordination of guests;
- assistance and organization of corporate events;
- Travel support;
- administrative support of the head;
- providing everything necessary for full functioning;
- coordination of the activities of cleaning and courier services;
- stress resistance and conflict-freeness, excellent communication skills;
- pleasant elegant appearance;
- skills in using office equipment;
- ability to work with confidential information;
- possession of PC, MS Office Excel, MS Office Word, MS Office Power Point, MS Office Access, MS Outlook and other computer programs for working with e-mail, "Consultant Plus", Lotus at the level of an advanced user.
Successful resume examples include those that identify and perform responsibilities. It also makes sense to inform the potential employer about the reasons due to which official employment did not take place earlier.

Significance of Indicating Achievements
A variant of the successful indication of the necessary qualities in the light of the requirements for the applicant can be the following:
- organization of office life: ordering water, coffee, stationery, organization of office equipment repair, cleaning;
- translation of documentation, including technical;
- work with office equipment;
- advising clients on the company's services;
- organization of meetings of VIP-guests;
- providing a pleasant and comfortable working environment.
It makes sense to indicate real reasons as reasons for leaving the previous workplace. For example, labor without official registration, under a civil labor contract. The corresponding document must be attached.
The following options are allowed: when considering proposals, any objective reasons did not lead to employment;
- the great remoteness of the place of future work from the place of residence (it is inconvenient to get there);
- inconsistency of duties stated in the announcement;
- opaque payment terms;
- non-compliance with the TC;
- retraining, sabbatical, family circumstances.
In the list of professional skills and abilities, those that contribute to achievements are indicated. This can be answering calls, registering them with informing the manager, drawing up a work plan for the boss, executing assignments, drawing up service notes, working with any documents.
It is very good to mention the experience of issuing orders to employees from the manager and monitoring their execution, searching for contractors for specific tasks, providing the manager's workplace with the necessary means in the form of office supplies, equipment, facilitating the prompt consideration of requests and proposals from employees, maintaining an archive of files and documents, ensuring their safety, transfer to the archive, organization of business trips for the head, orders of air and railway tickets, booking of hotels.
Professional achievement in a resume is an important part of it. You should never neglect it when writing a resume yourself and hoping to make a favorable impression on the employer. From work experience, they really single out their merits, participation in projects, the implementation of any tasks, advanced training. Any achievements can be highlighted in any field of activity.

Don't be shy about complimenting yourself a little. This will help make the resume interesting to the employer. Then the invitation for an interview will not keep you waiting.