The position of the secretary is considered one of the most demanded - managers are looking for intelligent assistants, personal assistants who can quickly solve current problems and carry out assignments. Drawing up a resume for the position of a secretary has its own characteristics.

Step 1
Indicate initials in full, provide information about marital status and several methods of communication (email address, mobile, home phone numbers).
Step 2
Submit your photo, as many executives pay attention to the candidates' appearance.
Step 3
In the column for the desired position, indicate several positions in which you would be able to work - secretary, personal assistant or assistant. The difference in positions is insignificant, but if you are submitting a resume to a company where a vacant position is not specified, then it is better to mark everything that you can do. The more functions a secretary can perform, the higher his value.
Step 4
In the paragraph on education, you should list all available diplomas (noting if you graduated from an educational institution with honors), periods of study indicating specialization and specialty. Additional courses, seminars and trainings that you have taken should be listed here. Indicate the name of the event, the name of the company that conducted it, the learning outcomes (courses attended, certificate received, etc.). The level of proficiency in foreign languages should be indicated in the same paragraph. Although this information is usually indicated in additional skills, language proficiency is considered one of the basic requirements for the secretary position.
Step 5
The block about work experience should be the most voluminous and informative. List places of work in descending order, starting with the most recent - terms, company name, job title, list of functional responsibilities. It is better not to combine responsibilities with general phrases (administrative and economic activities), but to describe them in detail - so your resume will differ from typical secretaries' questionnaires. If you have not worked for long, then it is better to indicate the reason for the dismissal, as this will certainly raise additional questions.
Step 6
Having a referral increases your chances of getting a job, so provide contacts of people, preferably former bosses, who can give you a characterization. It will not be superfluous to attach several letters of recommendation to your resume.
Step 7
Additionally, indicate the degree of proficiency in office equipment, the level of knowledge of computer programs, the presence of a driver's license and driving experience.