The efficiency of any production depends on several factors, which include not only modern equipment and new technologies, but also the well-coordinated work of personnel. Having set a goal to improve production at the enterprise, one should identify the weak points of the technological process, take an inventory of internal resources and use a competent management strategy.

Step 1
Create an atmosphere at the enterprise looking for ways of effective development. Seek the opinions of employees and listen carefully to their business proposals. Encourage initiative and innovation, financially and morally stimulate the work of innovators and inventors. Put into practice brainstorming about anticipated decisions to change the manufacturing process.
Step 2
Introduce the company's own professional training and retraining system. Some types of production require workers to have scarce specialties, which today are not always available in educational institutions that provide vocational education. Provide on-the-job training with experienced mentors.
Step 3
Use the capabilities of functional and cost analysis of the enterprise and manufactured products. Create a permanent or temporary team to study the process, find bottlenecks, and come up with solutions to reduce costs and increase profitability. Include business unit leaders, senior engineers, experienced production foremen and innovators in the group.
Step 4
Implement a lean manufacturing system at the enterprise. Provide in it specific measures for the rational use of production areas, raw materials and material resources. Consider the possibility of using production waste to produce new types of products.
Step 5
Develop an algorithm for the exchange of production and management information. Ensure that management decisions are communicated to performers in a timely manner and without distortion, bypassing intermediate links. Keep a strict record of incoming and outgoing documentation.
Step 6
Apply a visual management system at the enterprise. One of the possible options is the use of visual graphs and histograms located at the workplace, where the performance indicators of departments or sections of the production line are noted. Red color on the graph may indicate a lag in a separate area. Based on the results of work for the current period, the management of the enterprise should analyze the efficiency of the structural divisions, identify the reasons for low efficiency and develop measures to improve it.