To increase production efficiency, it is not enough to purchase the latest equipment and launch advanced production technology. The main part of any production is the work of the employees of the enterprise (organization) themselves. If people perform their daily duties efficiently and are interested in constantly improving the quality of their work, production will be as efficient as possible. Choosing the right management style is also important!

Step 1
Western management methods seek to standardize processes, regulate them and force staff to work according to these regulations. Such methods exclude management feedback from subordinates, management rarely visits production and is not interested in the opinion of workers, and therefore production works ineffectively. And the workers are unable to change the situation.
Step 2
To create an atmosphere of continuous improvement of the quality of work in the team, employees must be sure: - that the management is always interested in the opinion of all employees of the company, - that each employee is personally responsible for his work and has the right to suggest improvements,
- that all changes in production will be discussed and accepted strictly collectively, - and that initiative will always be encouraged. With such support for change and the orientation of the entire management system to it, workers will strive to improve production efficiency themselves. It is also important that workers have confidence in their future. The director should reassure subordinates that, even in difficult times, the company will not fire employees. That every employee is invaluable to the company. Such guarantees are especially relevant after the past economic crisis and mass layoffs as a result of it. Another incentive is the opportunity to improve qualifications at the enterprise. Together with stimulating the desire for career growth, this increases the quality of work, its productivity and reduces the time spent.
Step 3
To reduce marriage, you need to do the following: - collect and analyze all the causes of marriage;
- highlight the main products for which defects often occur, and the main stages of production, where they occur;
- interview all employees associated with the release of low-quality products on the subject: how to eliminate defects;
- create an action plan to improve product quality;
- make amendments to the technology of the required production processes;
- create instructions and recommendations for improving the quality of products, if necessary, detail the production procedures;
- improve the system of employee motivation to eliminate defects;
- if necessary, conduct training and certification of employees and even management.
All these activities must be carried out with the direct participation of a team of workers.
Step 4
Implementation of lean production, which means that each employee should strive to perform their work faster, better, and with minimal labor costs. First, it is necessary to create working groups to speed up the exchange of information between the management and the work collective and eliminate distortions and delays in the flow of information … Working groups should consist of representatives from all departments and meet regularly to solve daily, weekly and monthly tasks. Each group must solve the issue at its own level, regulate it and present a ready-made solution to the leader. The group's decisions to improve production efficiency must be implemented immediately. And the responsibility for their implementation should be borne by the middle management. Secondly, the rational use of jobs should be. This means that there should be free space around the worker, no obstacles to his movements, rationally designed passages between machines and workshops. This will increase the utilization of equipment, save time and costs, free up production space and reduce losses during movement. Third, it is necessary to change activities (introduce personnel rotation). This will acquaint workers with related processes, clearly demonstrate what happens when the defective product enters the next workshop. Workers can communicate and collaboratively solve cross-functional problems and fix them. The staff is disciplined, understands what slows down production and which specialists are redoing each other's work. Fourthly, the implementation of a system for maintaining equipment and the workplace reduces changeover time, reduces the risk of accidents and increases production safety. As a result of careful attitude, the utilization rate of the equipment reaches its maximum value.