Improving labor efficiency is one of the main issues in improving the performance of an enterprise. Russian companies strive for high productivity, but they don't always do it the right way. To solve the problem, it is worth paying attention to the key details of the workflow.

Step 1
Identify the type of workflow in the enterprise. There are two main types: process oriented or result oriented. The first option is devastating for the company's activities, otherwise it can be described as "work for work". Its feature is the behavior of employees - basically, only a created type of activity that does not lead to the desired results. The second type of workflow is result-oriented. This is the only criterion for labor efficiency. At the same time, extraneous problems are not taken into account, why the result was not achieved in time or is it not the same result at all; in this case, it is important to understand how to achieve the desired goal, in what ways. To improve labor efficiency, it is necessary to rebuild the company's employees for efficiency in the work process.
Step 2
Set clear and specific goals for your employees. Often the problem in production is the wrong and vague goal of the activity that the workers perform. Without knowing the goal, they do not know what to strive for. And this problem comes from the bosses, who are not able to organize the work of the collective.
Step 3
Provide performers with information on how to achieve the intended goal. Lack of information significantly reduces labor productivity. When assigning a task to him, each employee must receive a package of information from managers or an indication of the place to search for this information.
Step 4
Plan the activities of the company. Planning should be detailed, describing clear timelines, resources expended, and how employees work.
Step 5
Control the process of achieving goals. Designate responsible persons to monitor the effectiveness of each stage.
Step 6
Don't be afraid to punish, but don't forget and reward. A kind of training of employees leads to good results over time. Delays in deadlines, getting wrong results, and excuses should be punished to prevent them from happening in the future. On the contrary, good performance and correct work need encouragement.