A resume is a document that contains a description of the job seeker's professional path. It is very important for a person to create a positive opinion of the future leader about his own person, which is why it is necessary to correctly and beautifully draw up a resume.

Step 1
First of all, you must introduce yourself. To do this, write your first and last name. Make them bold italic. Note that it is not necessary to write the middle name.
Step 2
Indicate the coordinates where you can be easily found. You do not need to enter an address here, because you do not invite employers to visit you. Limit yourself to a cell phone number and email address.
Step 3
Indicate the position for which you are applying. It is better to enter the one offered by the employer. For example, if there is a vacancy for an accountant, do not write "economist".
Step 4
In your resume, write down the goals that you want to achieve while working in this position. For example, to develop a new direction of the company for the production and sale of equipment.
Step 5
Then list your education level. Enter the name of the educational institution, faculty, specialty, year of admission and graduation here. If you graduated with honors, write about it in your resume.
Step 6
In the event that you have taken any courses or seminars for a vacant position, indicate them. Conversely, if they are not useful in future work, omit this information.
Step 7
Next, write about your work experience. First, indicate the title, then the name and address of the organization. Set a start and end date. Briefly list the job responsibilities and accomplishments.
Step 8
In the "Professional Skills" section, list what you can do. For example, you should not write phrases such as "PC in the process of studying." If you are listing computer skills, include those programs that you know. If you have a driver's license, enter the categories. If you have any awards for professional activity, list them, but here it is worth mentioning one or two of the most important.
Step 9
Next, provide your personal details and hobbies. You can indicate marital status, date of birth of children, etc. Write about hobbies related to intellectual knowledge or teamwork.