Beautiful text is the key to the success of any copywriter. If you write beautiful texts correctly, you can increase your rating and increase income from written articles.

A few rules for beautiful and selling text:
High literacy
The most important rule. Higher philological education will be an advantage, but not necessary for a career as a writer. It is enough to read a lot of books and take several courses on language literacy. Many do not pay great attention to this point, but in fact, a well-written text will always be an advantage among competitors.
In writing articles, creativity is indispensable. It is important to fantasize, be inspired, connect emotions to the text, and then the article will surely sparkle with new colors. For example, creative headlines are always the best way to draw attention to text.
Use literary programs
Now there are many programs on the Internet that help to check the text and correct all unnecessary grammatical errors. You should remember about the character counter, since the requirements for the text are different everywhere.
You should start with exchanges that don't pay much. If there are flaws in the texts, the advice and recommendations of customers will help to understand the main flaws, and each time copywriting skills will get better.
Write about what you know
Many writers make a serious mistake by starting to create a topic about which they have no idea. If a copywriter does not understand his issue, then this is immediately obvious. The main quality, not the number of articles.
No plagiarism
You should forget about rewriting, you should never retype other people's texts. It will be noticeable, the anti-plagiarism program will always show a low result. It is better to write from memory and personal experience.