Earnings On The Internet. Writing Texts

Earnings On The Internet. Writing Texts
Earnings On The Internet. Writing Texts

Making money on texts is a very real thing. Especially for those who like to work with words, can write, have literacy and a sense of style. The rest will follow.

Earnings on the Internet. Writing texts
Earnings on the Internet. Writing texts

There are mainly two types of texts in demand on the Internet - rewriting and copywriting. If you rewrite finished articles, replacing words with similar ones, but without changing the meaning, you will get rewriting. Copywriting is completely the author's text, but again, on a given topic. You can compare these two types of texts with presentation and composition.

How to start making money on texts?

Simple enough. You can take an old magazine or cookbook and reprint a few articles from there. The main thing is that these texts are unique, that is, they do not contain copies on the Internet. Therefore, it is recommended to take old paper editions that did not have time to get into the world wide web.

Alternatively, search the Internet for any articles that suit you. Let's say you are a connoisseur of indoor plant cultivation or a noble film fan. So write or state in your own words articles that are close to your interests.

How to check the text for uniqueness?

Use Advego Plagiatus or Etxt Antiplagiat programs for this. You can check texts online, but the named programs are more reliable and more accurate. You can download them on any software, just type in the name and "download" into the search bar.

So you've written and reviewed the article, what should you do next? Go to a text exchange to sell your text. Better to start with Advego. On this site, you can sell an article of 1000 characters for about 20 rubles. But you are not limited to one article, are you? A novice rewriter can easily write about 5 texts per day. Total, 100 rubles. Not bad for a first try. In parallel with sales, you can take orders on the same Advego, not only earning, but also gaining experience and increasing your rating

Etxt, textsale.ru, are also very popular exchanges, register on them if you want to make money on the Internet by writing texts

Now a few tips for writing a quality article. If in the text you are rewriting, unfamiliar words, be sure to find out their meanings, explain clearly and accurately in your blog so that the customer would understand everything.

Experiment, move away from templates and hackneyed expressions, insert your phrases into the text. Achieve the effect of a live text, try to make the customer interested in reading it, something touched him.

Do not submit an article for sale or to a customer immediately after writing. Let both her and yourself "cool down", and then re-read with a fresh mind. It is quite possible that you will see some shortcomings, errors.
