Unfortunately, neither the questionnaire, nor the resume, nor even the traditional personal conversation give the employer the opportunity to fully assess the skills and character of the candidate. This is especially unpleasant when you need an employee who can quickly and correctly respond to emergency situations. To test his qualities, instead of a regular interview, you can conduct a stress interview.

How to handle a stressful job interview
You must be mentally prepared for everything. No event during the interview can surprise or unsettle you if you are mentally prepared. You may be invited to a restaurant instead of an office, or be attacked by future colleagues or employers. You can be yelled at, insulted, and an unpleasant scene can be arranged in front of you. If you are not ready for this, it will be difficult to respond correctly.
Have a good day before your interview so that nothing makes you angry or annoyed. The less negativity remains in your soul, the better. Before the interview begins, try to be patient and turn on the maximum exposure and composure mode. Do not let any of the words or actions of the other person make you angry or even just offend. If he is half an hour late or even an hour late, pretend you already had a great time in the office. Don't fall for provocations. Respond with equanimity to offensive questions. For example, if you are asked if you think that choosing this profession was the most stupid thing for you that can be done, answer that you do not think so and at the same time ask the interlocutor what profession he would recommend you in this case.
Remember that there are three things you can't do in a stressful interview: show fear and insecurity, be silent, and act defiant in response to rudeness. Imagine that you are not a recruiter, but a client you cannot miss. Treat the other person from this point of view, and it will be easier for you to communicate with him. Another option is to play along with the recruiter, trying to enjoy it.
How to respond to different techniques during an interview
Each company has its own methods of conducting stress interviews, so there is no universal option for passing such tests. However, some techniques and ways of reacting to them can be learned to make improvising easier.
If the recruiter did not invite you to the office, but suddenly came up to you in the hallway and immediately began the interview, behave naturally. Imagine that you are talking to a neighbor whom you respect very much. If they start asking you strange questions from the category "why are sewer manholes made round", and you do not know the correct answer, look for another and justify it logically. The recruiter will appreciate your resourcefulness. Finally, if you are invited to a cafe or restaurant, do not order food and alcohol - it is better to just take a glass of freshly squeezed juice.