How To Use A Generic Certificate

How To Use A Generic Certificate
How To Use A Generic Certificate

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At the period of 30 weeks of pregnancy (and when the pregnancy is multiple - at the period of 28 weeks) in the antenatal clinic, a woman is issued a birth certificate. The birth certificate consists of three coupons: No. 1 is intended to pay for outpatient and polyclinic services that are provided to women by antenatal clinics during pregnancy; No. 2 is intended to pay for the services of a maternity hospital or a perinatal center provided to a woman during childbirth; No. 3 is intended to pay for the services of a children's clinic for monitoring the health of a child until he turns one year old.

How to use a generic certificate
How to use a generic certificate


Step 1

Thus, the birth certificate is primarily a financial document that allows budgetary antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals and children's clinics to receive additional funds to pay their employees, purchase medicines, medical equipment and tools.

Step 2

For a woman, the benefit of having a birth certificate boils down to the fact that she is endowed with the right to choose an antenatal clinic, in which she will be observed during pregnancy, a maternity hospital where childbirth will take place and clinics in which her baby will be observed. A pregnant woman can change several antenatal clinics, if, for example, she is not satisfied with the quality of medical care in one of them. At the same time, payment for coupon No. 1 will be made to the antenatal clinic, the services of which the woman has been using for a longer time, but in the aggregate for at least 12 weeks.

Step 3

When a woman is dissatisfied with the services of an antenatal clinic, a maternity hospital or a children's clinic, she has the right to change the institution she does not like, but if the woman has not done this, she is obliged to submit a birth certificate to the institution she uses.
