To work remotely in connection with the coronavirus, the employee must write a statement. An order and an order are signed on it. A whole team can be transferred to a remote location, providing access to all the materials that are required to complete professional tasks in full. At this time, the salary is kept in full

The Labor Department has recommended transferring employees to remote work in connection with the coronavirus. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains several provisions on the specifics of the organization of labor in an emergency. The latter includes epidemics and pandemics. Social distancing is recognized as one of the most reliable ways to contain the spread of the disease. But Russian legislation has several aspects.

Remote work in connection with the coronavirus is a new work experience for many Russian companies. The law states that the consent of the employee is not required to move him to another place to perform work. This applies to the situation if there is no change in the terms of the employment contract. It should be remembered that in Part 2 of Art. 72.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that it is possible to transfer an employee without his consent for a period of up to one month to another job with the same employer to reduce the risk of an epidemic or to eliminate its consequences.
Many workers, realizing the complexity of the situation, are ready to voluntarily switch to remote work in connection with the coronavirus. The employee's wages for this period are preserved, calculated according to the rules that were spelled out in the employment contract. The transition initiative can come from both the employee and management.
Registration of remote work in connection with the coronavirus
Coronavirus-related remote work is processed in three stages:
- An employee writes a statement.
- The employer draws up an order.
- An additional agreement is being developed.

The order and the statement are drawn up in a free form, since there is no form for these purposes. The application must contain information:
- about the employer;
- the employee himself;
- requests for transfer to remote mode;
- period;
- the reasons for the transfer.
An order for remote work must be drawn up without fail. If this is not done, then the employee runs the risk of being fired due to absenteeism. Documentary evidence will allow you not to officially go to the workplace. Try to see for yourself that the order to work remotely in connection with the coronavirus has been signed, it contains a record of the retention of wages.
The order states the reason for the transfer. You can indicate that the decision was made in connection with the threat of the spread of COVID-19 on the basis of an employee's statement or in connection with an agreement reached with an employee.
The orders of the head are also given, including the provision of remote access to the work computer, the retention of all official duties for the employee in full, and more.
When registering remote work in connection with the coronavirus, one order can be issued for the whole team. All the steps mentioned above are saved. An information sheet is attached to the order. All employees mentioned in the order must sign it.