The employer can familiarize with the vacation schedule of his employees in several ways. Most often, personnel services issue a special acquaintance sheet or fill out the last column in the document itself.

One of the responsibilities of any employer is the timely familiarization of employees with local acts that are issued in the company and are directly related to their activities. Failure to fulfill this obligation may lead to administrative liability, as well as create additional problems in relations with employees. That is why managers and personnel services of enterprises acquaint workers with such documents against signature, which is also enshrined in labor legislation. One of the local acts of the designated type is the employee vacation schedule, for which two methods can be used: drawing up a separate acquaintance sheet or collecting employee signatures directly on the schedule itself.
Drawing up an employee familiarization sheet
Creating a separate document called an acquaintance sheet is a universal way of communicating information about the vacation schedule to employees. This type of notification is used by most organizations, and the main task of the acquaintance sheet is to obtain written confirmation from employees that they have read the document. That is why this document can be drawn up in any form, but it must indicate the details of the vacation schedule for the corresponding calendar year, as well as the names of employees, and collect their personal signatures. Surnames and signatures are usually placed in the form of a table, which simplifies the organization of the procedure for familiarization with local acts.
Collecting employee signatures on the vacation schedule
Some HR departments prefer to collect signatures of employees about familiarization with the vacation schedule directly on this document. The form of the vacation schedule is unified, however, for the purpose of notifying the employee, the last unclaimed column of this document, which is called "Note", is often used. Since all the data of each employee in the schedule, as well as the start and end dates of his vacation in the next calendar year in this local act have already been broken down into separate lines, the personal signature in the last column of the corresponding line automatically confirms the fact that the employee is familiar with the document. This method of communicating information is not prohibited anywhere, but it is used relatively infrequently.