Every employee working under an employment contract is entitled to annual paid leave. The vacation schedule is drawn up by the HR department or by an official once a year. Usually the deadline for drawing up is January 1. This document determines the sequence of leaving for the due leave of each of the employees. But in practice, it happens that you need to make some changes to the schedule.

Step 1
To make adjustments to the vacation schedule, you must draw up an order. This document is drawn up and signed by the head of the organization. If the vacation is postponed at the initiative of the employee, you must obtain his consent to the postponement. This document is filled in in the name of the head of the organization in any form. Its approximate content is as follows: “I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, agree to postpone the annual paid leave from June 15, 2011 to September 15, 2011”.
Step 2
The manager himself can also postpone the vacation, but in this case he must also ask the employee in writing to postpone the vacation, indicating the reason and the possibility of its further use. It is also possible to reimburse unused vacation in cash compensation.
Step 3
Then, on the basis of the above documents, the manager draws up an order. Its content may be as follows: “I order to replace Ivanov II. part of the annual paid vacation, amounting to so many calendar days for the period from February 01, 2010 to January 30, 2011 and exceeding 28 calendar days in monetary compensation”. Also, the order must indicate the basis, for example, an employee's statement, a memo, and so on.
Step 4
Orders, in addition to the head of the organization, are signed by an employee whose vacation is postponed. Signature means agreement with what was written.
Step 5
Also, changes in the vacation schedule may be due to the hiring of a new employee. The head of the organization also draws up an order, indicating the reason for the change in the schedule.
Step 6
In any case, in case of any adjustments to the vacation schedule, information about the change is entered into Form No. T-7. For this, there are special columns, namely 7, 8 and 9. Changes are also made to the personal card of this employee.