Young specialists are graduates of higher and secondary educational institutions who have been given job assignments strictly in their specialty. The employer has no right to dismiss such employees, except in cases provided by law. The initiators of the dismissal can be employees, as well as heads of enterprises.

It is necessary
- - employee documents;
- - staffing table;
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
- - personnel and accounting documents;
- - Forms of orders for personnel.
Step 1
In accordance with the law, a young specialist must work at the enterprise where he was sent for 2 years. Moreover, within one year, he is exempt from passing certification.
Step 2
If a young specialist decided to terminate the employment agreement (contract) with the employer, then the employee should write a letter of resignation one month before the expected date of dismissal. After the expiration of the specified period, the director of the enterprise must issue an order in the form of T-6. On the basis of the administrative document, the personnel officer makes an entry in the employee's work book.
Step 3
The employer can also act as the initiator of the dismissal of a young specialist. If an employee systematically violates discipline or does not fulfill his job function, then the director of the enterprise has the right to dismiss the employee for absenteeism. For this, an act is drawn up, signed by three witnesses of absence from the workplace, an explanatory note is written by a specialist. It prescribes the reason for absenteeism, her disrespect serves as the basis for issuing a dismissal order under the article. The employee is given payments and a work book with a corresponding entry.
Step 4
If the company is downsizing, then the employer must notify the young specialist two months in advance (as well as other employees whose positions are to be reduced). The employee is offered another job corresponding to his specialty (and the salary should not be less than the average earnings in the previous position). If there are no vacancies in the company, then after two months a dismissal is made due to a reduction in staff, cash (including severance pay) and a work book with a record of termination of the employment contract are issued (reference is made to labor legislation).
Step 5
A young specialist can be transferred to another employer. The employee must agree to the transfer. In the work book, a reference is made to article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and an entry is made about dismissal by transfer. It is necessary that the new position corresponds to the qualifications received, and the wages are not lower than the average earnings for the current workplace.