The issue of purchasing their own home for a young family is extremely relevant. Since 2002, our country has adopted a federal program "Affordable Housing for Youth", which allows you to receive a subsidy from the state for the purchase of housing. Citizens of the Russian Federation who need to improve their living conditions and who have not reached the age of 35 can take part in the program. In order to apply for participation in the state program, a young family will need to collect a large package of documents.

Step 1
The main condition for participation in the program is confirmation of the family's need for housing. If earlier family members stood in line to improve their living conditions, they only confirm this fact with appropriate certificates. If not, then a package of documents is collected for placing in this queue. Only after recognizing the family as "needy" is it included in the program.
Step 2
The second significant point is the age of the spouses. A young family is a family in which there is a child (children) and both spouses or one of them have not reached the age of 35. After reaching this age by both spouses, they are automatically excluded from the program. If your family is young, then you can submit the following list of documents to the local administration.
Step 3
Application for enrollment in the program in duplicate (both spouses must fill in).
Step 4
Passports of all family members and birth certificates of children. And their copies.
Step 5
Marriage certificate or divorce certificate (in case the family is incomplete). And copies of these documents.
Step 6
Documents confirming the fact that the family needs to improve their living conditions:
- a certificate from the BTI (testifies to the existing property before 1995);
- an extract from the Unified State Register (it contains information about the property registered after 1999);
- certificates from the registration chamber for each family member or information from the committee for land resources;
Please note that the validity period of certificates from the BTI and USRR may be limited (from 10 to 30 days). This limitation is established by the organization issuing the certificate.
Step 7
Documents confirming the financial viability of the family. That is, the ability to pay the average estimated cost of housing that is not covered by the subsidy. For this, certificates of income of spouses (2-NDFL) or an extract from the bank's personal account about the availability of savings are provided.
Step 8
Extract from the house register at the place of registration and a copy of the financial personal account. If spouses or children are registered at different addresses, separate certificates are provided for each place of residence.
Step 9
If the spouses are registered in different regions or municipalities, a certificate is provided that they have not previously received a subsidy in another region (district).