The attractiveness of the confectionery business has been undeniable at all times. Today, the correctness of the choice of this direction is also beyond doubt.

For those who want to open a confectionery, there is always a place on the market today, and the approximate profitability of a business can be up to thirty percent. Another great factor that will invariably play a role is the relatively small amount required to set up the production - approximately four hundred thousand dollars.
Before opening a pastry shop, you need to analyze the market. Experts say that already established regional manufacturers are more likely to succeed, which are gradually moving to the center. The product they offer is attractive to buyers in all respects, which invariably affects both popularity and sales.
Assuming the opening of a confectionery, it is necessary to carefully study investment issues. Here, high-tech equipment comes out on top. By the way, it is worth noting that foreign-made confectionery equipment is much cheaper than domestic equipment.
In second place is the issue of renting premises, which, from an area of two hundred square meters, will amount to approximately two hundred thousand dollars a year. The obligatory presence of a small fleet of cars, on average, will cost about seventy thousand dollars.
Another expense item that needs to be planned in the process of working out a business plan for an opening confectionery is the marketing budget and is quite solid.
An invariable issue in planning and opening a pastry shop is the issue of personnel selection. In this matter, it is necessary to take into account such aspects as the number of stores to which products are to be supplied at the initial stage, as well as the assortment expected to be supplied. The main attention should be paid to the selection of specialists in such specialties as a retail manager and a confectioner technologist.
An important issue in preparing the opening of a confectionery should be given to the assortment, which should take into account both demand and the sales market. By the way, experts advise starting the question of selling the products of newly opened confectionery shops with small retail shops. Having adjusted the work of this channel, you can think about reaching a higher level.