How To Draw Up Entries In The Work Book

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How To Draw Up Entries In The Work Book
How To Draw Up Entries In The Work Book

Video: How To Draw Up Entries In The Work Book

Video: How To Draw Up Entries In The Work Book
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Making entries in the work book is a mandatory component of official labor relations. In this case, the accuracy of the wording and their compliance with the canons of personnel records are of particular importance. Failure to comply with this condition is fraught with problems for the employee when confirming his work experience, and for the organization in the event of verification.

How to draw up entries in the work book
How to draw up entries in the work book

It is necessary

  • - work book form;
  • - the labor code of the Russian Federation;
  • - HR documentation of the organization (orders for admission to the staff, dismissal, transfer to another position, to another division, staffing of the organization, etc.);
  • - fountain pen;
  • -seal.


Step 1

When an employee enters the organization, in the "Job Information" section, after the last entry, a heading is made - the full name of the employer and, if available, the abbreviated name.

Only after this is the serial number of the next record made - exactly one unit more than the previous one. So, if the record of dismissal from the previous place of work is number 7, the acceptance of the owner of the work book for the current one should be 8. The serial number is put down in the first column of the table on the labor page.

In the second, the date of the entry is entered: in the format of the day and month in two-digit numbers, with a leading zero if necessary, the year as a four-digit number, each value is strictly in the field assigned to it.

Step 2

In the third column, the entry "Hired …" is made. This is followed by an indication of the structural unit of the company, if it is reflected in the employment contract, and the exact name of the position - strictly as in the organization's staffing table and employment contract.

If a person is accepted in the order of transfer, this circumstance is indicated and then, with the consent of the employee or on his initiative, the transfer was carried out.

Step 3

In the fourth column, the date and number of the order, order or other decision of the employer to hire a specialist are entered.

Step 4

In the same format, a decision is made to transfer to another position in the same department or another department of the company, including the office located outside the city where the employee worked before the transfer.

This record reflects essential information: if a unit is mentioned in the application and order for transfer, it is also indicated in the record. If the translation was made within the framework of one department, it is not necessary to mention it.

Step 5

Records are also made in the work book about the time of service in the army (on the basis of a military ID), training, assignment of a new category, profession, qualification category, change of the employer's name, exclusion of work time in continuous work experience and its restoration.

An appointment for a job on an internal or external part-time basis is made only at the request of the employee.

Step 6

A resignation record is made with an indication of the reason for the dismissal and a reference to a specific clause of the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for the existing basis for terminating the employment contract.

In recent years, instead of "dismissed (s)" they often write "the employment contract was terminated on the initiative of the employee (or employer)." However, there is no consensus on this issue among personnel officers.

The circumstances that are important in the provision of benefits are also indicated. For example, the transfer of a husband to another area or the need to care for a child under 14 years old.

If a person is dismissed in connection with a court decision banning certain positions, the dismissal record indicates which positions cannot be held, for how long and on what basis.
