There are often situations when people lose their work books. It also happens that these documents suffer from emergencies. But they contain all the data about a person's work. Without a work book, a citizen will not be able to confirm his work experience when applying to the pension fund of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary
clean work record book, pen, company seal, documents confirming work experience
Step 1
The employee himself will not be able to restore his work book, whatever the reason for its absence. This action must be done by the employer. The basis is the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Step 2
If the work book is lost, the employee writes a statement addressed to the director of the company in which he works, with a request that he be given a duplicate of the work book in connection with its loss. The employee signs this application and puts the date of writing. The director puts a resolution on the statement. The resolution indicates the manager's permission for the employee to receive a duplicate of the work book, the date and the director's signature are put.
Step 3
The employee of the personnel department of the enterprise writes the word "Duplicate" on the first sheet of a blank blank of the work book, writes in full the surname, name and patronymic of the employee who has lost the work book. On the basis of the document on education, the status, profession by education is indicated.
Step 4
An employee who has lost his work book requests an employment contract, an employment order or other document confirming the fact of work at a particular enterprise from previous places of work.
Step 5
The personnel officer, on the basis of the documents submitted by the employee, calculates his total work experience. The number of years, months, days the employee of the personnel department enters on the first sheet of a duplicate of the work book of the employee who has lost the work book.
Step 6
An employee of the personnel department, on the basis of the submitted documents, makes entries in a duplicate of the employee's work book in chronological order. The ordinal record number, the date of admission and the date of dismissal of the employee is written in Arabic numerals. In the third column of the duplicate, he makes an entry about what position, structural unit and to which organization the employee was hired / fired. In the fourth column, the personnel officer enters the numbers and dates of the documents that are the basis for a specific entry.
Step 7
Each entry made in the duplicate of the work book is certified by the seal of this enterprise, by the signature of the person who filled in the duplicate.