It is very important to find a suitable job for yourself. One that is to your liking and well paid, gives you the opportunity for self-realization and is not far from home. All this is possible, vacancies for the required positions exist. In order to find a job so well, you need to know which resume, where and how to place it.

Step 1
First, make it up correctly, taking into account the requirements of the employer to whom you want to get into the state. If a particular company has its own resume form, take the trouble to fill it out accordingly. To do this, answer all questions carefully, accurately and to the point.
Step 2
If you have not yet decided on an employer, write a standard resume, as extended as possible. Describe in detail all your skills and theoretical knowledge, your previous experience and expectations from your future work. Not only in terms of wages, but also, if possible, professional and personal development. Do this in order to have more choices. This way you can apply for not one, but several vacant positions.
Step 3
Where it is better to stir the resume is up to you. Take your profile to major recruiting agencies in your city. Or post it to the resume database on specialized sites such as, or These are the largest resources that are filled with new vacancies every day.
Step 4
Register on these resources and choose a convenient way to post your resume. The system will offer you open access, when choosing such a service, all interested employers can familiarize themselves with your data. If you definitely dislike certain companies, or are looking for a new job in secret from your current management, please tick the box accordingly. Then the access of certain employers to your data will be disabled.
Step 5
If you want to remain "incognito" at all, check the box "not visible to anyone." In this case, you yourself will track new vacancies. Correctly indicate your email address when registering, and you will receive daily notifications from these resources about new vacancies.