Often, a resume can contain more than information about your past jobs and what educational institutions you graduated from. After you have written in which firms you have served as a senior manager and that you are a responsible and communicative employee, you can devote a few lines to your hobby. But is it worth telling the employer about all your hobbies?

Today more and more employers want to know not only about the professional qualities of the employee whom they plan to hire, but also about his hobbies. A hobby can say a lot about character, and it is easier for people who are passionate about football or collecting stamps to work together than those who have no points of contact. However, some leisure activities can scare off a potential boss.
What hobbies will work in your favor
First of all, you should indicate the hobbies associated with the position for which you are applying. A sales manager can mention that he is reading books on the psychology of interpersonal relationships in his spare time, a teacher can indicate that he watches popular science films in the evenings, a designer creates his own comic strip. The overwhelming majority of employers will like that their employee, in their free time, learns a foreign language or plays any kind of sports. If you are not a very athletic person, you can get off with the vague wording that you are fond of a healthy lifestyle.
Hobby for creative people
Companies looking for a creative employee may turn their attention to rather exotic hobbies. Origami, the maintenance of a reptile house, Japanese dances with fans, the study of ancient dialects - such things give out an extraordinary person in you, and if a company needs just such a person, they will pay attention to you.
Persevering, disciplined, responsible
Some hobbies can tell about the qualities of the applicant. A person whose hobbies are chess, intelligent and diligent, is able to build strategies and move towards victory. The puzzle lover has an analytical mind. Even a common hobby like floriculture can give you a point. After all, in order to grow flowers, you need to be careful and patient.
What is better to keep silent
Of course, what you do in your free time is solely your own business, but some things are better to remain silent during the interview. An employer is unlikely to like a candidate who is fond of extreme sports. Suddenly, on the eve of the deadline, you break your leg while kayaking. It is also better to remain silent about a passionate adherence to various spiritual practices - in case of a difference in views on the world order, it is highly likely that you will be refused. The collection of glasses collected from city cafes is not worth mentioning.
When describing your hobby, don't overdo it. Limit yourself to one or two lines, otherwise the employer may doubt whether you have enough time to work.