Constitutional law is a set of norms that protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens and establish a system of state power for this. Constitutional law as a science is part of legal science, and it, in turn, is a link in the system of social sciences.

Constitutional law studies patterns, definitions, the role of legal institutions, the rule of law and the effectiveness of their action, looking for ways to increase the effectiveness of legal norms. This science has a direct impact on the historical development of society.
Constitutional law among the legal sciences is the most complex; nevertheless, it provides knowledge of the theoretical basis for further study of special legal sciences. It establishes the basic concepts, categories, with which the current constitutional and legal legislation operates; studies and analyzes the functions and role of legal institutions.
The main tasks of constitutional law are: studying the system of general concepts of this science; mastering the methods of analyzing legal norms, the activities of public institutions and state institutions; determination of political, economic, moral factors influencing the rule of law and their implementation. Constitutional law as a science is strongly influenced by profound changes in the state system. This leads to the emergence and consolidation of new ideas related to the organization of state power, relations between the state and citizens.
As a branch, constitutional law occupies the main place in the legal system of the state. The subject of this type of law contains public relations regulated by this industry. Social relations related to this subject are formed in the sphere of the organization of state power and its implementation, as well as in the sphere of relations between citizens and the state.
The source of this branch of law is the Constitution, which is the main legal act of the state. Constitutional law legally defines the main principles of the structure of society and the state, establishes the initial provisions for the management of all processes taking place in society; provides basic guidelines that reflect the main direction of regulation of law in all spheres of social relations.
The modern rule of law requires the peaceful coexistence of a variety of worldview concepts, their comprehension and objective assessment. Therefore, the main principles of constitutional law should be the recognition of the priority of universal human values, the recognition of the need for the development of civil society, free from total "stateization".