Moving to Russia for permanent residence is possible both on the basis of a program to assist compatriots, and independently of government programs. To do this, you need to contact the consulate of the Russian Federation.

Application for a residence permit, notarized translation of the passport into Russian, copy of the passport, medical report, copy of HIV certificate, 1 matte color photograph 3x4
Step 1
To obtain a residence permit and citizenship in the Russian Federation, you must fulfill a number of conditions. The length of this procedure will depend on your background and citizenship. Assess your life situation. If you are not a citizen of the Russian Federation and cannot apply for the acquisition of citizenship in a simplified manner, then to stay in Russia you will need to issue a temporary residence permit, registration, work permit and migration card. This can be done even before departure through the Russian consulate in your country. Also, the application can be submitted to the internal affairs bodies at the place of intended residence after arrival in the Russian Federation.
Step 2
Prepare a set of documents. To obtain temporary registration, you will need a migration card and a copy of your passport. To obtain a work permit - a migration card with a stamp of crossing the state border, temporary registration for 3 months, a notarized translation of the passport into Russian, 1 matte 3x4 color photo and a medical report. All documents are submitted to the Office of the Federal Migration Service at the place of residence in the Russian Federation.
Step 3
After three years, the temporary residence permit is renewed. If you have housing, after a year of staying in Russia with a temporary residence permit, you can get a residence permit. Depending on a number of conditions, the next stage - obtaining Russian citizenship can take from 1 to 5 years. For former compatriots - from 3 to 6 months.
Step 4
Check if you meet the requirements for granting Russian citizenship. You can get acquainted with the requirements on the website or at the FMS reception. For example, at the link
Step 5
To obtain Russian citizenship, the following documents must be prepared: - passport, - work permit in the Russian Federation, - permanent or temporary registration in the Russian Federation, - documents confirming the availability of housing in the Russian Federation, - information about marriage and children. The documents are submitted to the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation.