The work book is the main document of every employee. It contains information about the employee's work experience, as well as about his promotion, awards, transfers, etc. This document is drawn up at the first employment, and at subsequent places of work, only information about the nature of the work is entered there.

Step 1
If an employee gets a job for the first time, you must draw up a work book, which is a strict reporting form. Enter all data only in the presence of the employee himself, as well as on the basis of documents (passport, diploma, marriage certificate, etc.).
Step 2
Fill out the title page. Enter your full name, surname and patronymic (based on your passport). Enter your date of birth on the line below in the format
Step 3
Next is the line "Education", fill it out on the basis of a diploma, certificate or certificate. There is no need to indicate the name of the educational institution; it is enough to write “higher professional”, “secondary professional”, “secondary general”, etc.
Step 4
On the line below, indicate the profession, for example, "programmer" or "accountant". That is, you must write what is indicated in the educational document.
Step 5
At the end, put the date of filling, give it to the owner of the work book for signature and sign it yourself. In the lower left corner, put the stamp of the organization.
Step 6
Next, you will see the Job Information section, which consists of six columns. In the first, indicate the serial number of the record, in the other three - the date of the record in the format Further, on the basis of the order, indicate the very wording of the entry, referring to the article of the Labor Code. Remember that abbreviations in the work book are unacceptable, therefore, even the normative act should be written in full - "Labor Code of the Russian Federation". In the last column, indicate the number and date of the order on the basis of which the information was entered.
Step 7
If you have incorrectly indicated the information, you do not need to cross out or gloss over in any case. Put down the next serial number below, indicate the date of the amendments, in the next column write: "The entry by number (indicate which one) is considered invalid." Please indicate again the serial number, date and correct wording below.
Step 8
If the employee has changed the surname, cross out the old one with one line, indicate a new one on top, and indicate the document on the basis of which the changes were made on the inside of the cover; put title, signature, date and seal.
Step 9
When applying for a job, you must make an entry in the work book, but put a stamp only in case of dismissal. The document must be signed by the manager or a personnel worker acting on the basis of a power of attorney or an order to appoint a person responsible for maintaining work books.