Many organizations are faced with such a situation when it is necessary to transfer an employee from one position to another within the organization. Alas, personnel workers make mistakes in this matter, which may entail sanctions from the labor inspection. How can this movement be properly structured?

Step 1
According to the Labor Code (Art. 72 Ch. 12), whether a temporary transfer or transfer to a permanent position is carried out, the manager must ask the permission of the employee himself. Naturally, the employee must issue consent in writing.
Step 2
In practice, the following option is often used: the employer draws up an order for the transfer to a new position, while the employee, having signed it in the field "familiar with the order," agrees to the move.
Step 3
It is advisable for the employer to notify the employee in writing about the transfer to a new position two months before the implementation of this operation. It should also be borne in mind that if the salary in the new position is lower than in the previous one, then the salary remains for another month.
Step 4
After that, you need to make changes to the employment contract. This is done by drawing up an additional agreement, which spells out all the newly emerging conditions, for example, salary, and possibly any obligations. This document is drawn up in duplicate, one of which remains in the employee's personal file, the second is transferred to him. The agreement is signed by both parties.
Step 5
You should also make changes to the staffing table. To do this, the manager must issue an order indicating the reason for this need. On the basis of the order, a personnel worker or a responsible person makes changes to the required document.
Step 6
Do not forget to make changes to the employee's work book. In the first column, write down the serial number, then put down the date that corresponds to the date of transfer, in the fourth column you must write: “Transferred to the position (indicate which one)”. Then, in the last field, put down the number and date of the order to transfer the employee to another position.