I don't want to work, what should I do? With the advent of the Internet, finding a new job has become much easier. With daily viewing of the news feed, the chances of finding the desired position increase. But what to do if you don't want to work at all and the chosen profession does not cause anything but rejection?

Sometimes it happens that you don't want to go to work. But if this condition does not go away even on weekends, then the problem has deep roots. Teenagers dream of finishing school faster, getting higher education and finally becoming financially independent. But when this long-awaited moment comes - a job has been found by profession, a stable income has appeared - satisfaction still does not come. Do I need to work and why is this happening?
Reasons why you don't want to work:
The most common reason is the wrong choice of profession. At a young age, it is difficult to determine your true desires and abilities. Young people choose their profession relying on fashion trends, prestige or advice from their parents, and do not take their own preferences into account at all. This is how talented athletes turn out to be gloomy and dissatisfied with life, doctors or teachers. A job not chosen by vocation becomes a real hard labor for a specialist. The benefit to society and the state from such a worker is also questionable.
An equally serious problem for ambitious people is the lack of career growth. Even choosing an occupation to their liking, such people begin to frankly get bored if there is no prospect of development. As a rule, the result can be dismissal and lack of desire to work in principle.
Of course, unworthy pay can also diminish motivation. But every problem has its own solution.
What if you don't feel like working?
If you have chosen the wrong profession by mistake in your youth, then there is always the possibility of retraining. There are numerous courses, seminars and trainings for this. Moreover, getting a second higher education is also not a problem. There are no age restrictions for applicants to the university.
There is a category of people who do not accept submission. They will be oppressed even by a just remark from their superiors, and working in a team will not bring pleasure. A great solution in such a situation is to start your own business. Today there are a lot of ideas for the implementation of such a plan, it is enough to look for information on the net.
Before changing your qualifications, you need to clearly understand what you want to do. Otherwise, the situation may repeat itself. And then the very word "work" will cause persistent hostility.