The atmosphere of the office and monotonous affairs are depressing, forcing the body to demand a break. You start yawning, your eyes close, and your head doesn't want to think about work at all. You can avoid this state and not want to constantly sleep at work if you make an effort and follow simple steps.

Step 1
Get enough sleep. In order not to fall asleep at work, you need to properly rest at night. An adult needs at least eight hours of sleep. Even if you cannot afford to spend so much time sleeping, try to at least go to bed before midnight. You need to go to bed in silence and darkness, and not under a working TV or music.
Step 2
Drink mate. Many office workers try to cheer up with coffee, but instant drink has no real caffeine properties in it. If a coffee machine is not available to you, go to the mat. This drink contains a huge amount of nutrients that nourish the body, help to cope with fatigue and improve memory.
Step 3
Have snacks. Saturate the body with energy to work, eat every two to three hours. For example, fresh fruit, crackers, dried fruit, or nuts.
Step 4
Don't overeat at lunch. Too much food will cause blood to travel to the stomach for digestion, leaving other organs in the background. This will lead to the fact that you will be very sleepy, which you will not be able to do at work.
Step 5
Chat with colleagues. An active conversation, jokes and an interesting topic will help you get away from sleepiness and tone up.
Step 6
Take a course of multivitamins. Sleepiness in spring or autumn can be explained by a lack of vitamins, that is, vitamin deficiency. If you don't feel like eating a pound of fruits and vegetables a day, replace them with pills. Be sure to check with your doctor before purchasing any multivitamin. It is desirable that one preparation combines both vitamins and minerals.