An active lifestyle and some other circumstances force office workers to yawn and constantly restrain themselves in the desire not to lie down on the table. Those of them who do not want to lose their position due to half-closed eyes must learn to cope with bouts of fatigue and get rid of the desire to take a nap.

Step 1
Do some exercise. Changing the type of activity from mental to physical will give its results. Get up from the table, walk around the office. Remember a regular warm-up from a physical education lesson at school and repeat a few exercises from it - do hand swings, bends, squats.
Step 2
Wash yourself with cool water. This action will give a feeling of freshness and "wash away" fatigue. For girls who risk ruining their makeup with washing, there is a little trick: dampen a tissue with water and apply it to your face, avoiding the eye area. Do not forget to refresh your neck and, if possible, the décolleté area.
Step 3
Have a snack. Fatigue and drowsiness that attacked during working hours can be explained by a lack of nutrients for the normal functioning of the body. Make up for them with a small snack. For example, eat fruit (apple, banana), chocolate (preferably bitter), or cookies.
Step 4
Drink green tea. Contrary to popular belief, coffee does not always come to the rescue of falling asleep office workers. Most often, the latter does not have the desired effect, because the instant drink is not endowed with the properties of its freshly brewed counterpart. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to drink a cup of natural espresso, which will give you a boost of vivacity for a couple of hours, make yourself green tea. It will restore strength, give energy, and this effect will continue until the end of the working day.
Step 5
Take a walk in the fresh air. Go out to the balcony, terrace, or even outside. Breathing in the outside air, which is not damaged by the influence of the air conditioner and therefore has not lost a large percentage of humidity, you will feel a surge of energy and will be ready to return to work.