In addition to doctors of various specializations, a whole team of mid-level workers - nurses, paramedics, orderlies - is guarding the health of people. Their help is invaluable, the effectiveness of medical procedures, the state of postoperative patients, sterility of medical devices and much more depend on the professionalism and conscientiousness of these people.

The word "paramedic" literally means "field doctor", as the military doctor was called in Germany, who treated the wounded in the field. A paramedic is a specialist with a secondary medical education. He has the right to independently diagnose and carry out treatment, refer the patient, if necessary, to a narrow specialist and write out sick leaves.
It is the right to self-diagnose that distinguishes a paramedic from nurses or nurses who do not have this right. Therefore, a paramedic can sometimes replace a doctor, for example, in an ambulance service or in regions remote from centralized medical institutions. The paramedic also carries out sanitary and hygienic and preventive measures to reduce the incidence, provides assistance during childbirth, and can perform various laboratory tests and procedures. He receives medical appointments and directs the actions of the junior staff.
In fact, a paramedic is no different from district therapists and family doctors. Often paramedics work in the medical units of the military formation, in the health centers of airports, railway stations or seaports, in the rescue service. Often, it is the paramedic who has to provide first aid, which can save lives.
The profession of a paramedic belongs to an increased level of secondary vocational education, in contrast to a nurse, who has received a basic level. The profession can be mastered in medical schools or colleges, the duration of study is 3 years and 10 months. Having received the appropriate document, the new specialist has the right to work as an obstetrician, doctor's assistant, laboratory assistant or medical assistant. He can upgrade the category by taking a refresher course.
Nurses and nurses cannot independently engage in examination, diagnosis and treatment. They only fulfill the prescriptions of a doctor, including a paramedic, and help to carry out the necessary treatment. Of course, in the absence of a doctor, they are obliged to provide medical assistance to the victim in a life-threatening condition.
Nurses carry out procedures, monitor the dosage and timing of medication, and regularly visit patients for home treatment. They provide infectious safety, that is, they comply with the rules of asepsis, properly store, process, sterilize and use medical products. Nurses assist when a doctor performs surgeries on an outpatient or inpatient basis. They can carry out the simplest laboratory tests and evaluate their results, under the supervision of a doctor, perform blood transfusions and carry out infusion therapy prescribed by a doctor.
The nurse organizes the transportation of the sick and injured, conducts an examination of temporary disability, carries out medical patronage of infants and disabled people. Her duties include dispensary observation of population groups, preventive vaccinations. In addition, nurses maintain medical records.
Nurses have a lot of profiles: district nurse, general practitioner nurse, guard (ward), procedural nurse, dressing room nurse, anesthetist nurse, operating nurse, emergency room nurse, dietary, health visitor, etc.
The specialty "Nursing" is obtained in medical colleges. The term for mastering this program is 2 years and 10 months.