The Constitution is a normative legal act of the state with supreme legal force. This act defines and enshrines the legal norms for the formation and work of representative, executive, judicial authorities and systems of local self-government, the foundations of legal, political, economic systems, the legal status of the state and the fundamental provisions of human and civil rights and freedoms.

Now on the territory of Russia the Constitution is in force, adopted after the collapse of the USSR, on December 12, 1993. This document includes 2 sections and a Preamble. The preamble reinforces humanistic and democratic values, defining the place of Russia in the modern world.
The first section consists of 9 chapters, including 137 articles, which spell out the main provisions of the political, public, social, economic systems and the federal structure of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of citizens, the status of government bodies and the procedure for amending the Constitution. The second section contains transitional and final provisions that determine the stability and continuity of constitutional and legal norms.
First section. Basic provisions
Chapter 1. Fundamentals of the constitutional system. The first chapter contains 16 articles, which spell out the established and protected by the constitution economic, political and legal, social relations and humanistic fundamental principles that consolidate the role of citizens in state building.
Chapter 2. Human and civil rights and freedoms. Includes 48 articles that form the core of the constitutional law of the Russian Federation and consolidate the norms and rules of the relationship between the individual and the state.
Chapter 3. Federated device. Consists of 15 articles defining the fundamental principles of the state structure of Russia.
Chapter 4. President of the Russian Federation. The chapter includes 14 articles that determine the legal status, duties, powers of the head of state, terms and conditions of election, contain the text of the oath, as well as the procedure for dismissal.
Chapter 5. Federal Assembly. Consists of 16 articles dedicated to the parliament of the Russian Federation, which define the powers and principles of work of both chambers of assembly.
Chapter 6. The Government of the Russian Federation. Contains 8 articles that define the basic principles of the executive branch of the Russian Federation.
Chapter 7. The judiciary. Includes 12 articles, which set out the fundamental principles of the functioning and powers of the judiciary and the highest judicial bodies of the Russian Federation.
Chapter 8. Local government. The chapter consists of 4 articles, approving the methods of creating local self-government bodies, their structure, legal status and powers.
Chapter 9. Constitutional amendments and revision of the Constitution. It includes 4 articles, which define the principles of making amendments, as well as designate the circle of persons and authorities who have the right to make proposals on revising, supplementing and changing the provisions of the Constitution.
Section two. Final and transitional provisions
This part of the Constitution of the Russian Federation consists of 9 clauses securing the powers and terms of work of the authorities, including the President.