Parents have the right to enter their child's name on the passport. However, it is necessary to take into account the strict rules regarding the filling of passports. After all, even one mark that does not comply with the rules can invalidate this document.

Step 1
To obtain a stamp with the child's name in the civil passport, refer to this document and the child's birth certificate at the passport office. There, within one day, they will make an entry in the column dedicated to children. The surname, name and patronymic of the child, as well as his year of birth will be indicated. The entry will be certified with a special stamp. Keep in mind that only minor children are recorded in your passport. When exchanging an identity document at the age of 45, your children, if they have already grown up by that time, will not appear there.
Step 2
If you are registered in one place, and the child is in another, hand over your passport for registration at the passport office at the place of your registration. This must be done in person or with a power of attorney from the passport holder. For example, this is how a mother can enter children in the passport for a father who does not get into the passport office due to being busy.
Step 3
Enter the child in your old-style passport. To do this, indicate his name and date of birth when submitting a passport application form. The child must be no more than 14 years old - after this age, he must receive his own identity document abroad. If you give birth to a child within five years while the passport is valid, contact the regional office of the Federal Migration Service with its birth certificate. You can indicate the child in the passport of one or both parents. Please note that in this case, the parent in whose passport the child appears can take him abroad, unless the second relative imposed a ban on this through a special appeal at the border service.
Step 4
When applying for a new generation passport with a ten-year validity period, order the child his own document, regardless of age. Children no longer fit into such passports for parents.