There are several preferential categories of citizens in Russia. These are veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, juvenile prisoners of fascist concentration camps, veterans of special risk units, labor veterans and others. Each category has its own benefits.

Who can get the title of "Veteran of Labor"
Benefits for labor veterans are provided in accordance with the Law on Veterans. To get this title, you need a certain amount of work experience. If, for example, a man has worked for 25 years and a woman has worked for 20 years, the title can be awarded subject to additional conditions. Such conditions can be state awards that are awarded for high achievements in labor, departmental insignia, as well as honorary titles awarded by the governments of the Russian Federation, the USSR, the RSFSR and other union republics. Those who began their labor activity during the Great Patriotic War and worked for 40 and 35 years, respectively, can receive the title of "Labor Veteran" simply by an application submitted to the Committee for Social Protection of the Population.
Free prosthetics
The title "Veteran of Labor" is awarded not only to pensioners. But a person can take advantage of some benefits only after he retires. This is, for example, a discount for the free production of dentures, as well as for their repair. But dentures can be repaired not in every clinic, but only in the one with which the municipality has an agreement. As a rule, this is a dental clinic or a local office. A labor veteran also has the right to be provided with a hearing aid free of charge. This benefit is also provided at the place of residence.
Transportation incentives
The honorary title "Veteran of Labor" also entitles you to discounted travel on public transport. Since labor veterans are federal beneficiaries, they can travel for free on public transport in any Russian city. A working veteran of labor has the right to an annual paid leave at a convenient time for him, as well as to an additional leave of 30 days without pay. A labor veteran is entitled to free travel by all types of public transport. An exception is a taxi, which does not apply to the benefits. Since the privilege is federal, it applies to all settlements in Russia. In addition, a labor veteran can travel for free on suburban road and rail transport. Getting a transport benefit does not depend on the region in which the veteran lives. If there are seasonal tariffs for waterway and suburban rail transport, the honorary title holder pays 50%.
Housing benefits
Substantial benefits are also provided for housing payments. The veteran of labor is paid compensation in the amount of 50% for housing and utilities. It should be noted that the costs are reimbursed only in the absence of arrears on utility bills. If the veteran lives in a communal apartment, compensation is provided to pay for living space within the social norm. A labor veteran is entitled to a discount on the payment of a radio point and a collective TV antenna. It does not matter whether the veteran lives in a privatized apartment, a municipal apartment on social terms, or a departmental one.
Regional benefits
In some regions, labor veterans are provided with additional benefits. For example, in Moscow, this category of citizens is paid monthly benefits from the city budget, as well as free travel on suburban railways. In St. Petersburg, the holder of this honorary title can buy a concessionary ticket for using all types of ground passenger transport and the same ticket for the metro. In some regions there are similar honorary titles - for example, "Veteran of Labor of the Leningrad Region". Benefits for this category of citizens are established by the regional government.