An order is an administrative document. It is published by the head of the organization (director) for solving various kinds of tasks, such as hiring, dismissing, encouraging or penalizing, creating new divisions, transferring to another position, etc. Errors, misprints and corrections of any kind in the order are unacceptable. It is unacceptable to make corrections to the order already signed by the head.

Step 1
This, of course, is understandable, but what to do if an error or typo has already occurred?
The order is the work of human hands, and it is human nature to make mistakes. The clerk (or other person responsible for preparing orders) ideally should submit an order for signature without grammatical errors, corrections or blots, but, in turn, the director must carefully study it before signing the order and only then sign, visa and seal. So, what measures should be taken to correct the error in the order?
Step 2
Rewrite the order in a corrected form, only this method is possible only if you noticed an error even before the director signed it, or, in extreme cases, an error was discovered at the time of signing, then the old order can simply be torn and disposed of.
Step 3
Cancel the order (if significant errors are found in the order that distort the meaning of the document) by issuing a new order. To begin with, an order is issued that cancels the order with an error, the text of which indicates the number, date and title of the order that must be canceled, the text of this document should begin with the words: "Declare invalid", or "Consider invalid", then the reason for the cancellation of the document is stipulated, persons responsible for corrections, terms of preparation of a replacement order.
Step 4
Prepare a new draft document with a new number, of course, without any errors.
Step 5
Give the order for signature to the head.
Step 6
Remember that an order is not just a piece of paper, and someone's fate sometimes depends on its execution. Many people have to deal with illiterate paperwork when retiring. One wrong number in the work book (as you know, entries in the work book are made on the basis of an order), or a letter, and the future pensioner begins to beat different thresholds, and as a result, his paths will still lead to the enterprise where the mistake was made. And then you will have to poke around in archival documents, think about how to fix the mistakes of 20 years ago.