During the labor process, sometimes situations arise when it is required to arrange a part-time working week. At the same time, the generally established length of the working day is preserved, but the number of working days per week is reduced. Reduction of working hours can occur both at the initiative of the employer and at the request of an employee who falls under the category that has the right to reduce working hours. Changes to the length of the work week should be formalized.

It is necessary
- - labor contract;
- - addition to the employment contract;
- - order;
- - application;
- - notification.
Step 1
When hiring an employee, a part-time work week can be immediately indicated as one of the conditions in the employment contract. The employer has the right to establish this clause of the contract, and it can also be offered by the employer. Upon reaching a mutual agreement, the contract is signed, and an order is issued on the employee's employment, which indicates the duration of the working time.
Step 2
If the company is undergoing economic problems or changes in working conditions occur, then the management has the right to introduce a part-time working week to preserve the jobs of employees. The employer makes a decision on the introduction of a part-time work week and issues a corresponding order on this introduction. In the order, the organization's management also indicates the reasons for the change in the work schedule and the period for which such a regime is introduced.
Step 3
Along with the order, the governing bodies notify employees in advance of the innovations in writing. The text of the notification is drawn up arbitrarily, but includes all the justifications due to which the working week rate is changed, and the timing of the introduced regulation. If necessary, additional agreements are issued to the employment contract for all workers who are included in the order on changes in working hours.
Step 4
An employee who is caring for a disabled sick family member, a pregnant woman or a parent (guardian, trustee) who has a child under fourteen years old, the employer is obliged to arrange a part-time work week. An employee who has the right to reduce working hours writes a statement to the head of the company about the need to switch to a part-time working week with an indication of the reason. On the basis of the application, the manager issues an order and an additional agreement to the employment contract to change the working time. It is advisable for the employee to make a copy of the statement with the resolution of the manager and a copy of the order to establish a part-time work week.