Since Soviet times, Moscow has been a "center of gravity" for residents of smaller towns and villages. But for a visitor, life in this city is complicated by the need for local registration. Despite the fact that many people oppose this practice, the compulsory registration remains. Why is registration in Moscow necessary?

The registration problem in Moscow can be viewed from two points of view: from the position of the city government and from the side of a visitor. The city government maintains the institution of registration for two main reasons. First, it is an attempt to somehow limit and control the flow of labor resources into the city. Still, registration for many potential migrants becomes an obstacle. Secondly, the registration system is maintained for greater security of the capital from various criminals.
Nevertheless, registration solves both of these problems only partially. Since there are many organizations that are ready to draw up the necessary documents even bypassing the law.
For a person who has arrived in Moscow, registration is needed in very many cases. For example, without a residence permit in a city or in the Moscow region, the chances of successful employment are significantly reduced.
Also, registration is required in order not to be subject to an administrative fine. According to Russian law, a Russian citizen can live in Moscow without a local registration for only three months.
In everyday life, Moscow registration can also come in handy. With it, it is much easier, for example, to get a loan from a bank. Even such a simple thing as registering for a library may become inaccessible to someone who does not have official confirmation of residence in Moscow.
It is also much easier to get medical care with a residence permit. By law, you are required to be admitted to any medical institution in the country if you have an insurance policy, but, for example, visiting a polyclinic at your place of residence can be a problem.
From all this, we can conclude that the presence of a Moscow registration greatly simplifies the life of a visitor. Therefore, it should be issued, if not on a permanent basis, then at least in the form of a temporary registration.