According to the law, a Russian citizen can live in Moscow without registration for no more than three months (more precisely, 90 days). If you plan to stay in the capital longer, you need to get registration in the capital.

Step 1
It is quite easy for a Russian citizen to temporarily register in Moscow - provided, of course, that the owner of the apartment in which you live (stay or rent) is not against it. Recently, the owners of apartments, however, are already more relaxed about the idea of registration, realizing that they do not risk thus losing the apartment or the right to live in it.
Step 2
In order to obtain a temporary registration, you need to contact the district police officer with a package of documents required for its registration. This is a passport, an application for registration in form No. 1 (the application form can be downloaded on the official website of the FMS), an application from the owner of the apartment. If you are renting a house, you may also need a lease agreement. If the apartment has several adult owners, the consent of each of them is required.
Step 3
The district police officer must record your application and put a resolution on it. If he does not object to your registration, then you transfer the package of documents to the district department of the FMS. Both the owner of the apartment and the tenant can apply there.
Step 4
The FMS authorities are obliged to consider your application within three days, after which a ready-made certificate of your registration in Moscow is issued for the period specified in the application. Refusals to register are quite rare, and, as a rule, this happens in cases when the apartment is not privatized, and the area per tenant is less than sanitary.