In Russia, freedom of movement was significantly hampered both in the pre-revolutionary period and during the years of the existence of the Soviet Union. And only in the early 90s of the last century, when the institution of registration was replaced by registration, it became possible to freely travel around the country and leave its borders.

What do the concepts of "registration" and "registration" mean?
A residence permit is a method of state control over the migration of the population, the principle of which is to prohibit citizens from freely moving around the country. At the same time, each person is assigned to a certain place of residence in order to be able to exercise his right to work, health care, education, etc.
Registration is an activity on the registration of population migration, which is carried out to establish the exact number of people living in a certain territory, and to determine the main routes of their movement. The current legislation provides for two types of registration: temporary (at the place of stay) and permanent (at the place of residence). It is carried out by state bodies headed by the Federal Migration Service (FMS).
The difference between registration and registration
Thus, registration is an outdated legal institution, the main purpose of which was to restrict the movement of a citizen. This procedure made it possible to control the presence of a person at the place of residence and track any of his movements. Being in a “foreign” city without a residence permit alone could entail liability established by law.
Registration is a completely different principle, designed to track migration flows rather than control them. This institution is still relevant today, despite the fact that there were earlier talks about its abolition. Registration, in contrast to registration, is of a notification nature. It is believed that it does not restrict the freedom of movement of the citizen.
Difference between registration and registration: conclusions
Thus, the difference between registration and registration is in the following points.
- Relevance. Currently, only registration is valid in Russia. In 1991, the state decided to abolish registration due to the large number of restrictions on the personal freedom of citizens.
- The basic principle. Previously, registration had a permissive procedure, and registration, which is now valid, is a notification. This is, in a way, a step forward.
- The registration could have been unmotivatedly refused. Then the citizen had to leave the settlement within 7 days. Now, in order to register, a person does not have to ask permission from a state body for this, he only notifies of his intention to change his place of residence or stay.