Many of us in our daily life refer to all places of deprivation of liberty as prisons. Many films and books admit the same inaccuracy. In fact, most of these institutions in the Russian Federation are correctional colonies, and it is incorrect to call any of them the word "prison". In order not to confuse these names, let's figure out what is the difference between a prison and a colony.

To begin with, we note that there are only eight prisons in Russia - two each in the Vladimir region and in the Krasnodar Territory, one each in the Chelyabinsk, Ulyanovsk, Saratov and Lipetsk regions. All other institutions where people serve time after a court verdict are correctly called correctional colonies.
The main difference between prisons and colonies is that in the former, prisoners are almost constantly in cells. There is also a punishment cell in prisons - an isolated cell into which those who violate the regime fall. In colonies, instead of him, a punishment cell (SHIZO).
According to the Criminal Executive Code, especially dangerous repeat offenders are sent to prisons, persistent violators of the order of serving their sentences (they are transferred from colonies) and, in some cases, those sentenced to more than five years for committing crimes of particular gravity.
A correctional colony in the Russian Federation is the main type of institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service for keeping citizens serving sentences for committing crimes. They are characterized by greater freedom of movement and an emphasis on the "corrective" role. Prisoners in colonies carry out labor activities and are not isolated in cells most of the time.
Colonies, in turn, are subdivided into settlement colonies, colonies of general, strict and special regime. The conditions of detention in the IC may be different. For example, strict conditions provide for keeping not in hostels (barracks), but in cells. However, they are still allowed a one and a half hour walk every day if they do not work outdoors. In prisons, this opportunity is not provided to prisoners.