A difficult financial situation may be the reason, or personal ambitions, but more and more often mothers, without waiting for the expiration of the three-year parental leave, go to work. How to arrange an early exit from vacation?

Step 1
Start registration of early leave from vacation no later than 14 days before the start of the resumption of work. This is due to the fact that the employee, temporarily accepted in your place under a fixed-term employment contract, must be dismissed by the manager in accordance with the general provisions on dismissal.
Step 2
Write a statement that you are going to start work early, addressed to the head of your organization. In the application, be sure to indicate on what schedule you plan to work until the official end date of the vacation. If you want to continue to receive benefits, please indicate that you would like to work on a reduced schedule or part-time. The allowance will be paid to you even if you intend to work from home. Be sure to indicate both the date from which you plan to resume employment and the date of the application.
Step 3
Read the order on the personnel of the organization, in which the employer, based on your application, announces its decision to admit you to work and approves the work schedule specified by you. Get a copy of the order from your institution's human resources department.
Step 4
If you were hired at one time to work in this organization under an employment contract, its number must be indicated in the order. If a different work schedule was specified in the previously drawn up employment contract, be sure to draw up an additional agreement to the contract.
Step 5
If the employer refuses you for any reason, even related to the activities of the organization (for example, with difficult working conditions or long business trips), then contact the labor inspectorate or the judicial authorities to hold him accountable.
Step 6
Please note that the manager does not have the right to offer you a job with a lower salary or work in another department of your organization without your written consent, certified by him and the chief accountant.
Step 7
Provided that, due to newly discovered circumstances, you have to resume your vacation, write a statement addressed to the head of the organization no later than 14 days before that.