There are situations when it is extremely important for you to leave work early to solve your own affairs. This can cause dissatisfaction with colleagues and the boss. However, there are still several methods for solving this problem.

Step 1
The most common method, which has become entrenched in the mind of every person, since school, is to complain about feeling unwell. You can tell your boss that you are not feeling well or that you need to see a doctor. Go to the boss, look at him with a tired look and in a low voice tell about your well-being, then ask to let you go early. In most cases, this method works flawlessly, evoking sympathy and understanding in others.
Step 2
It is much easier not to ask for time off, but to leave quietly. If you have great relationships with employees, and your boss is constantly absent from the office in the afternoon, you can arrange with colleagues to replace you and hide the fact that you are not at work. When they also need to leave, you will “cover” your colleagues. Only this method has its pitfalls, if one of the employees sharpens a grudge against you or envies you. In this case, he can tell the boss about your departure ahead of time. Be careful.
Step 3
It is a very good option to sneak out of the office if you go out for work during the day, for example, take documents somewhere, etc. In this case, you can do this work earlier or delegate the performance of your duties to someone, and at the end of the work day to inform the authorities that you are supposedly going to take the documents away and there is simply no point in returning to the office. This way, you will gain time for personal matters.
Step 4
Do you have the opportunity to complete the work at home? Amazing! Then you can use this simple method. Promise your superiors that everything will be ready tomorrow morning, and now you urgently need to run. In this case, you won't have to deceive anyone. Most importantly, do not forget to fulfill your promise, otherwise you will no longer be believed.