The 1C program makes it possible to quickly receive information on accounts payable and receivable: organizations to suppliers and customers for shipped products. At the same time, if the paperwork takes place in stages, the results for the same counterparty can be different.

There are two main ways to generate accounts payable and receivable. In the interface "Accounting and tax accounting", you must select the item "Accounting" - "Balance sheet of the account". In the settings, specify the date, the necessary details. If you select "counterparties", "agreements" here, then under each will be indicated the amount of debt for a specific account or agreement. This is especially true for subcontractors when a new contract is drawn up for each transaction. It is important to correctly calculate the amount of the total debt: opposite the name will be the total for the counterparty, and below it - the data on the contracts.
If you tick the box "by sub-accounts", it will be easier to divide the debt into accounts payable and receivable. Within subaccount 60.01, the column "credit" shows accounts payable 1C - "how much we owe." On subaccount 60.02 in the "debit" column there will be accounts receivable - "how much we owe." Reconciliation reports generated by suppliers will fully coincide with the received data.
Another way to find out information about contractors is to create a table within the Procurement Management or Sales Management interface. Here you need to select "Settlements with counterparties" - "Debt by counterparties". You can also request the contract number, but there will be no turnover for the period - only data for a specific date.
It is important to take into account that the data in this table may not coincide with the reconciliation act. This is due to the peculiarities of the documentation design. If the data on the arrival of inventory items is entered into the program by the storekeeper, and the "posting" is carried out by the accountant, then these few hours or days between operations can lead to a discrepancy between the final figures. So, if goods came to the warehouse and the storekeeper entered them, then in the table "Debt by counterparties" the amount of debt to the counterparty will increase, and on account 60 it will remain the same. As soon as the accountant receives the documents and enters them into the database, the amounts will be equal.
To get more detailed information on the movement of documents, you need to double-click on the supplier and in the menu that appears, select "Document of settlements with counterparty" "Document of movement (registrar)".