The purchase and sale agreement is drawn up upon the conclusion of a transaction with any type of real estate. If a document is lost, its restoration will not take much effort if it was drawn up in a notary's office, but in the light of new legislative changes from January 1, 1996, it is not necessary to draw up and certify the contract with a notary, so it will be much more difficult to restore the lost document.

- - application to a notary;
- - application to the BTI;
- - a photocopy of the seller's contract;
- - application to FUGRTS.
Step 1
If you entered into a sale and purchase agreement for residential, non-residential real estate or land before January 1, 1996 and lost the document, contact the notary office at the place of its registration. Write an application for a duplicate, pay the state fee for notary services. You will be given a duplicate within a few hours or days, it depends on how busy the notary is at the time of the application, and how much you paid for the provision of the service.
Step 2
If you have lost a document concluded after January 1, 1996, when the Civil Code was amended and simplified the transaction procedure, allowing you to conclude contracts in simple written form. But at this time Federal Law 122-F3 on compulsory state registration of property rights to real estate, which is carried out by the Federal Office for the Unified Registration of Property Rights, has not yet entered into force. This law entered into force on January 31, 1998. That is, the procedure for simplified registration existed for two years, but this was not recorded anywhere. Such an agreement is the most difficult to restore.
Step 3
To recover, you have two ways - to find the seller and make a photocopy of his second copy, or contact the bureau of technical inventory and make a request for a statement about the owner of the real estate. BTI will not be able to issue you a duplicate, but will only issue a certificate confirming the ownership of real estate. Therefore, in fact, it is possible to restore the agreement concluded in simple written form in the periods from January 1, 1996 to January 31, 1998 only by obtaining a photocopy of the seller's agreement.
Step 4
If you have lost the sales contract concluded after January 31, 1998, you can restore it by contacting the FUGRC with a request. When registering property rights, all photocopies of documents, including the sale and purchase agreement, remained in the archive of the state registration center, so you can easily get a photocopy by paying a state fee for the provision of services.