The teenager strives to become independent as soon as possible. Independence is largely related to the ability to earn money. It happens that a young person comes to the HR department or to an entrepreneur, where there seems to be a suitable vacancy for him. But the HR manager explains that the applicant cannot be hired because he has not reached the required age to fill this vacancy.

The right to work and the right to study
Russian law allows hiring people who have not reached the age of majority, but such workers have a number of benefits. At the same time, the working conditions for adolescents from 14 to 16 years old and young people from 16 to 18 will be different. An employment contract can be concluded with a person who is at least 16 years old. In some cases, stipulated by federal law, an employment contract is possible with a 15-year-old teenager, if he has already received a general secondary education, which is compulsory for all citizens of Russia. The right to education is one of the most important constitutional rights of a young person in Russia. But in some cases, a teenager can leave school without completing a general secondary education. This is allowed in exceptional cases with the permission of parents or other legal representatives and in agreement with the local government body in charge of education. This is usually a department or committee of education. There are situations when a young person who has reached the age of 14 is expelled from an educational institution for illegal actions. The school must report its decision to the education committee three days before expulsion, and the local government decides on the issue of employment. Usually this is a commission for minors and the protection of their rights. The workplace is selected through the Employment Center. In exceptional cases, adolescents under the age of 14 may be hired. This applies mainly to children left without parental care. Employment issues are considered by the juvenile commission.
In cases stipulated by federal law, an employment contract is also possible with a 15-year-old teenager, if he has already received a general secondary education, which is compulsory for all citizens of Russia.
Free time work
Some teenagers, not wanting to leave school, seek to earn some pocket money. This possibility is also provided for by Russian legislation. He will have to get the consent of a parent or guardian to work during the holidays or even during the school year, in his free time. A temporary employment contract can be concluded with a teenager who has reached the age of 14. One popular form of employment is a summer labor camp or youth brigade set up by a youth affairs committee. In many constituent entities of the federation, such forms of temporary employment are practiced, so a young person just needs to contact the appropriate committee. There they will explain to him what documents are needed, help to collect the missing ones, and provide a contract form. In addition, the municipality in this case is responsible for respecting the rights of the adolescent.
Labor should be easy and not harm health. Teenagers can work on the improvement of the city, deliver ads, participate in concert programs, type texts, etc.
What documents are needed?
Before applying for a job, you must collect a set of documents. This is a passport that a citizen of Russia receives at the age of 14, a TIN, a certificate of pension insurance, as well as a document confirming the consent of one of the parents, guardian or trustee. If a child gets a job during the school year, they need a certificate from their educational institution confirming the schedule of classes. Pre-conscript youths need a document on military registration. A medical examination is also needed. When hiring minors, the employer pays for the medical examination.
How long can you work
A young person under the age of 18 cannot work in harmful or dangerous conditions. He should not lift weights, his work should not be associated with business trips, night shifts, overtime work. A teenager under the age of 16 cannot work more than 24 hours a week, and a young man between 16 and 18 years old cannot work more than 35 hours a week. The working day of a teenager from 15 to 16 years old is 5 hours, a young man from 16 to 17 years old - 7 hours. During the school year, the working day is even less - no more than 2.5 hours for children 14-16 years old and 3.5 hours for those who are 16 years old. Labor is paid in full, provided for a given workplace. It should be noted that the dismissal of minors, unless they are accepted under a fixed-term employment contract, is allowed only with the permission of the state labor inspectorate and the commission on minors.