Since 2015, the procedure for hiring foreign citizens has changed. If earlier they were required to have a work permit, now some categories of migrants are required to provide a patent.

Who was affected by the changes in labor legislation
The changes in legislation that have taken place do not cancel work permits. They are still required to provide all foreigners arriving from countries that have a visa regime with Russia.
The patent applies to citizens of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine. On the basis of it, migrants can be legally employed. The main thing is that the patent is intended for work with legal entities.
What documents are needed for registration in the state of a foreigner entering visa-free
When applying for a job, a foreigner must provide:
- a migration card with a specified working purpose of arrival;
- patent;
- the passport;
- work book (in the absence of a Russian work book, it is drawn up by the employer);
- insurance certificate (also issued by the first Russian employer);
- educational document (if the vacancy requires the relevant qualifications);
- a certificate of no criminal record (if necessary);
- VHI policy obtained from a Russian insurance company.
The employee must file the patent himself, the employer does not take part in this process. A patent is valid only in the territory of one region in which it was obtained. This means that you will not be able to hire an employee in Moscow under a patent issued in the Tula region.
Interaction with FMS
Within three days after the conclusion of an employment or civil law contract with foreigners, the employer must notify the FMS about this. This can be done in person or by sending the appropriate form by mail. A similar period is allotted for the notification of the dismissal of a foreign worker.
How to pay personal income tax on the income of foreign workers
In order to obtain a patent, employees are required to pay personal income tax for each month for which it is issued. The size of personal income tax in each Russian region is different. An employer who is a tax agent must reduce the transferred tax by the amount of the advance paid by the migrant. But first, you should contact the Federal Tax Service, where you can get permission to reduce and data on the amount of the advance paid.