The procedure for hiring a non-resident of the Russian Federation consists in obtaining permission for him to work in Russia, and notifying the FMS and the tax inspectorate about this after concluding an agreement with him.

It is necessary
- - documents of a foreign worker;
- - order form according to the T-1 form;
- - application form for employment;
- - standard employment contract;
- - form of a personal card;
- - permission to attract foreigners to work from the Federal Migration Service.
Step 1
To be eligible to use the labor of foreigners and register them in accordance with labor legislation, the employer must obtain permission from the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. The presence of such a document is required, otherwise illegal employment of a non-resident may entail the imposition of administrative responsibility.
Step 2
Before starting the procedure for hiring a foreigner with a residence permit, you must obtain a permit from him to carry out labor activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. A non-resident must request this document at the territorial office of the FMS of Russia. A work permit is issued to a foreigner in the form of a plastic card, it must be presented to the employer. It should be borne in mind that a non-resident who has received a permit has the right to work within the region where this document was issued.
Step 3
Hiring a foreigner begins with writing an application. The document is addressed to the first person of the company and contains the date, signature of the non-resident, his personal data, as well as the name of the position, department in which it should be issued. The application is endorsed by the director.
Step 4
When concluding an employment contract with a foreign employee, it should be borne in mind that the salary of a non-resident must be transferred to a "salary" card. In the contract with the employee, you need to indicate the details of the bank card and prescribe the possibility of cashless payments in the terms of the contract.
Step 5
Draw up an order according to the T-1 form and enter the necessary details. Notify the FMS at the location of the company that the foreigner has been hired, that a contract has been concluded with him. Submit a notice to the tax office within 10 days. It should be borne in mind that the income of a non-resident should be taxed at a rate of 30%, which is spelled out in the relevant decree.
Step 6
Enter a record of employment in the work book of a foreigner (if he previously worked in Russia) or start a new one, fill it out in accordance with the rules for maintaining it. Get a personal card for the employee and enter the necessary information after receiving the documents submitted by the non-resident (a copy of the residence permit, passport, pension certificate (if any), military ID (for conscripts), education document (if necessary)).