Most of the questions are raised not by the very ability to work remotely or even its search, but who can work at home, within what specialty, profession, how to make money without knowledge and skills, but legally, how not to stumble upon scammers when searching and how to combine remote work and children, study or just life.

Question number 1. Are working from home, telecommuting, telecommuting the same thing?
Yes, only with different accents. “Working from home” implies a certain place where you carry out your job duties. Remote or remote - the work does not set such a framework. Although it is said in general about the same thing.
Question number 2. Are remote work and freelancing the same thing?
Not really. The nuance is that by the term "work" we mean hiring. That is, the presence of some employer (perhaps more than one). You are drawn up in the same way as an ordinary employee, you sign the same internal company documents when applying for a job. The same social benefits (sick leave, vacation, etc.) apply to you. Freelancing assumes that you are good at something and are looking for a customer for this skill. You give him the result, he gives you money. You may have a lot of skills, which means that there are also many opportunities to earn. Freelancing is rightfully considered a transitional link from employment to your own business.
Question number 3. Who can work remotely?
Directions where you don't have to sit in the office:
- any work with texts;
- translations;
- programming;
- design;
- Internet Marketing;
- Internet advertising;
- engineering professions;
- teaching;
- any work on the phone;
- sales;
- recruiting;
- analytics;
- hand-made.
Within each of these areas, there will be a dozen professions. There are many possibilities!
Question number 4. Where can you learn all this?
Universities are still lagging behind in terms of online professions. Although it is possible to study remotely not only in an educational institution near home, but also in any where there is such a form. You just need to find and submit documents.
There are many paid courses, which in 2-3 months and a certain amount of rubles will make you a beginner specialist in any Internet profession.
There are also free projects that provide quality training. Follow my articles, I will write about it soon.
Question number 5. Is it possible to earn money remotely without any special skills?
Of course you can. And now we are not talking about stock exchanges, options and other colorful promises like "sit on the couch and get a million an hour." We are talking about legal and safe ways that will allow you to earn even small, but honest money. For which you do not have to cheat comments, write false reviews or somehow make a deal with your conscience.
Question number 6. Where to look for work from home?
It is the job that is worth looking for on the websites and These sites require employers to pay for job posting and admission to resume. Therefore, there are no advertisements like "work for everyone with documents, 3 hours a day, salary 50 tr."
Be sure to connect social networks - there are groups within which people are looking for employees by word of mouth. Freelancers are looking for customers on freelance exchanges and social networks.
Question number 7. How not to fall into the clutches of scammers?

Question number 8. How to be productive when no one is in control?
Depends on your specifics, of course. Without knowing the individual circumstances, it is rather difficult to say for sure - you have to look and understand.
But general recommendations can be given:
- consider your capabilities - for example, if your baby sleeps and cries when he wants, it makes no sense to take work on a schedule;
- consider your interests - money is only where there is interest, and doing a hated business is meaningless and harmful to health;
- comfort should be "a little bit not enough": lying with a laptop in soft pillows, under a cozy blanket with a cat for a couple, it is quite difficult to think about work;
- do "mini-deadlines" (divide the deadlines in half or three parts);
- do not recruit more work than you can carry;
- take short breaks even in very interesting and exciting activities;
- do not eat in the workplace;
- a life hack that helps many to reliably tune in to a "work day": wake up at about the same time, the "Surya Namaskar" complex once in each direction, dress so that in case of anything it would not be a shame to go out and have some makeup purely feminine pleasure).