How To Certify A Copy

How To Certify A Copy
How To Certify A Copy

Concluding a transaction or contacting a government agency, as a rule, requires certified copies of documents. These can be copies of contracts, copies of a passport or work book. The main way to carry out certification is to contact a notary, but there are other options.

certification of documents
certification of documents

Document certification methods

Certification of documents can take place in several ways, depending on who exactly needs to get their hands on the paper: an organization, an individual entrepreneur or an individual.

1. Direct appeal to a notary at the place of residence. To do this, you just need to find out where the office of the district notary is located, and come to him at office hours for certification of copies. Depending on the workload of a specialist, you can draw up documents almost immediately, or spend half an hour or more, waiting for your turn. If a large amount of work is expected, then it is possible that you will have to make an appointment with a notary in advance. The same services can be obtained from a private specialist.

2. Departure of the notary to the address of an individual or organization. In this case, it is enough to acquire a telephone of a notary office in order to discuss the conditions of his arrival and the amount of work in advance. Often this opportunity is used by small firms, individual entrepreneurs and people who do not have the opportunity to independently come to the office of a notary.

3. Self-certification of copies. For large companies and organizations, this method is optimal, since they themselves have the right to certify copies of documents held by them.

4. Ordering certified copies and copies with the provision of originals on the website of public services. This resource contains a large list of documents, copies of which can be ordered by an individual or legal entity. For example, a copy of the certificate of state registration.

What you need to certify documents

In order to correctly and timely draw up and certify a copy of the required document, you must have with you:

• the passport;

• document to be certified;

• a copy of the certified document;

• a certain amount to pay for notary services, which can be clarified by phone in each specific office.

Also, to carry out the procedure for certifying copies, additional documents may be required:

• power of attorney giving the right to certify copies of documents of another person;

• a document confirming the right to free notary services or services provided at reduced rates;

• a document giving the right to call a notary at home free of charge;

• a document confirming the right to certify copies of documents of a particular organization.

We certify documents at home

If you or your loved ones do not have the opportunity to personally visit the notary office to certify copies of the document, then a specialist can be invited to your home. To do this, find the notary's phone number in the directory or on the organization's website. By calling, let us know about your need. The secretary will guide you in the prices and features of the service, after which you can agree on the time of arrival of the specialist. Not long before that, do not forget to prepare everything you need to provide the service: documents, a convenient place for a notary to work, money.
