Sooner or later, we all leave the parent's nest, and we are faced with the problem of earning money on our own. So how do you make money, especially if you have no experience in it?

It is necessary
- a resume written in Word format;
- resume posted on one of the Internet portals;
- pension insurance certificate;
- employment history.
Step 1
Of course, getting your first salary is impossible without finding your first job. To find a job for which you can get your first money, you need to solve a number of questions for yourself. For example, if you are a student or schoolboy, you need to be clear about how much free time you have that you are willing to spend on work. The number of hours spent on work is often proportional to the pay you receive. Then you should decide on the field of activity in which you will work; the position for which you are applying; wages that you consider acceptable for your efforts.
Step 2
The employer selects employees based on the CVs provided to him. Therefore, in order for the employer to choose you as an employee or to perform any temporary work (freelance, English "freelance"), you must prepare your resume. In the resume, you must indicate the level of earnings that you expect, education, your work experience, the desired position or the job that you want to get.
Step 3
So, you have prepared all the necessary basic documents, and now you are wondering what type of work is right for you, which will allow you to earn your first money on your own. The classic version of the first earnings is getting a job under an employment contract. In this case, you and the employer sign an employment contract, a work book is prepared for you. Under such an agreement, you undertake to perform the work specified in the agreement, and the employer, in turn, must pay you wages for it. This option is the safest, as it provides the employee with many guarantees of receiving wages. However, if you have no work experience, this is your first job and salary, then finding a job under an employment contract is not so easy.

Step 4
It must be said that in the modern world the concept of "work" is not limited exclusively to its classical understanding. Today, you can make money not only by working in the office from 9 to 18, but even without leaving your home. You can earn the first money by working and not under an employment contract. This can be work under a civil law contract (temporary work in a company that does not need a permanent employee), part-time work in the nearest cafe or supermarket, network marketing, distribution of cosmetics. To make money in this way usually does not require special skills, which makes your device easier. And finally, the most modern way to make your first money is to work on the Internet. Today, there are many variations of it. Such work can be found on specialized sites that provide an opportunity for everyone to participate in surveys, prepare translations, develop site designs, etc. It all depends on your skills and preferences.
Step 5
Most importantly, in order to receive your first salary, you need to provide yourself with certain guarantees that the employer will actually pay you. Unfortunately, in the modern world, cases of deception are not uncommon. They are especially common in relation to people who have no experience of making money. Therefore, when performing some work, you can demand from the employer an advance payment (for example, full or 50%), payment of a deposit to you. It is necessary when performing any work, even not under an employment contract, to obtain written documents confirming the employer's obligation to pay you a certain amount of money. All of this will make your relationship with your employer more business-like, give you confidence and, of course, can guarantee the joy of receiving your first self-earned money. Good luck!